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Start playing beautiful music from
your very 1st lesson - for just $7 .

Play Beautifully »
Treble clef

Don’t you want your playing
to sound.... better?

You want to sound beautiful, but… just don’t.

Not yet, anyway.

You want your playing to sound like the stunning music that made you fall in love with the piano. Like a soaring wave of emotion that wraps itself around you when you touch the keys.

But right now it just sounds clunky. Disjointed. Less of a wave and more of a trickle. It sounds…

Not beautiful.

That can be frustrating, annoying. It can even make you want to quit. But you know what?

It’s not your fault.

If your playing doesn’t sound like it does in your dreams, it’s likely because you’ve never been shown HOW to play that way. And if you’ve never been shown how — then it only makes sense that you can’t.

Not yet, anyway...

Treble clef

Your step-by-step journey to...

Playing beautiful piano logo



You didn’t know you
could sound this good


Why you sounded
amazing just then


Make your own
beautiful music


The secret sauce to
spice up your playing


You don’t have to
hit the keys


C ya later. Exploring
other key signatures

A message from
your teacher, Lisa Witt.

You can do this.

If you can move your fingers, you can play beautiful music on the piano. I know you can — because I’ve seen countless students discover for themselves just what’s hiding on those fingers of yours.

Even if you don’t believe me...

...even if you don’t think you have an ounce of musical talent in you…

You can do this.

My name’s Lisa and I want to prove to you that YOU can play beautiful piano music. And if you’re reading this, I’m guessing that’s what you want.

But maybe you don’t know if you can do it.

In fact, the biggest thing that stops people from even trying to play beautiful piano music is belief. They don’t believe that they can do it. Sure, other people might be able to, but not them.

I’m here to tell you that’s wrong. And I can prove it.

Because you’ll play something beautiful on the piano in your very 1st lesson. I’m serious, and we have the money-back guarantee to back it up.


Put me to the test, and get ready to change your belief about what you are able to do.

I’ll see you in lesson 1.
Lisa signature

Debbie Arroyo-Coleman
"You … make piano playing tons
of fun. The way it should be!"

I like that when I have questions there is always someone there to answer them. And if I can’t find an answer right away there is usually a video you guys have that I can find the answer, or sometimes I’ll find it on the forum.

In a nutshell... you all make piano playing tons of fun. The way it should be!

Debbie Arroyo-Coleman
New York, USA

Lynda A. Hypnar
"It’s no longer
difficult to practice."

I took piano lessons 55 years ago. I wanted to be able to play pop music but my instructor told me if I learned classical I could play anything. I got frustrated and stopped.

With Pianote, it’s no longer difficult to practice. I can play whenever I want and I have a teacher on demand. One of my best decisions ever!

Lynda A. Hypnar
Michigan, USA

Guarantee Badge

The Best Results Guaranteed.
With NO Risk.

You’ll be playing beautiful music from your very 1st lesson — for just $7 . That's just $1.17 per lesson.

And we’ll admit, there are some pretty big claims on this page. But you know what, we believe them. And we stand by them.

That’s why we offer the best guarantee you’ll find for online music lessons.

Some programs or courses offer 7, 14, or even 30-day guarantees.

But those aren’t good enough. Because it takes time to know if your lessons are working. You shouldn’t feel rushed to make a decision about whether it was worth it (and live with the regret if you make the wrong one).

That’s why you’ll have 90 days to put us to the test. You can try ALL the lessons. Play for your loved ones and see what they think.

Because if you’re not 100% satisfied and HAPPY with the results, then we haven’t done our job, and you shouldn’t have to pay.

Playing beautiful piano logo

Start playing beautiful music from
your very 1st lesson - for just $7 .

Get Started »